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Citrus Fruits
Yoga Group

As a ChiroThin Weight Loss Center patient you will experience healthy weight loss without hunger or cravings. By using our comprehensive, supervised program, in only 8 weeks our female clients lose between 2-3 sizes (25+lbs)' male clients lose 25-40 lbs. You will not find another program with coaching, dedication and support like ours! 




*While individual results vary THESE RESULTS ARE TYPICAL!




The ChiroThin formula is physician created and has been specially blended to aid in boosting metabolism, suppressing hunger/cravings, reducing fat cell mass (the bad fat cells), reducing insulin resistance, increasing fullness and detoxifying your body.




What is the ChiroThin Program & How Does It Work?




The ChiroThin Program combines dietary modification, nutritional support formulas, and weekly staff supervision with doctor overview if needed, as well as Daily software tracking system with Daily monitoring by us to keep you and your weight loss consistent and motivated! This helps you lose weight quickly and safely, without starvation and supports long term weight loss!








What Distinguishes the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program from other programs?





Quality, accountability, freedom, results, safety and affordability!



The products included in the program are the finest money can buy, and can only be purchased from an authorized ChiroThin Weight Loss Program Participating Office.  Weekly visits to check your progress and daily monitoring through our online software, with personalized recommendations, fosters improved compliance for better results more safely. You have the freedom to select real food you buy at the supermarket, prepared within our portion-controlled dietary guidelines. When followed as directed, ChiroThin Weight Loss Program patients achieve better results in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of other nationally advertised weight loss programs!




Get Started Today! Schedule your complimentary consultation at no cost with us!




Personal Testimonial from Kelly in our office and your personal coach who has been on ChiroThin & Is still on her Journey:

This is a very personal journey for me. I have battled being heavier my entire life. I have been on every diet you can imagine. I lose the weight to gain it back and never learn how to maintain it. I did not want to be that example for my children and continue this same lifestyle. Shakes and Meal Replacement plans are not the diet plan for me as they do not teach me how to live the rest of my life and keep the weight off. I want to be able to cook for my family and teach my children the correct ways to eat. When we came across ChiroThin to add to the practice I decided it was time again to try this diet thing out. ChiroThin is an all natural amino acid that burns the bad fat in your body. This is not an HCG diet. In four months I had lost sixty pounds and forty plus inches, I had dropped five pants sizes. I have kept it off for four years and have now lost a total of 98 pounds. It is mandatory in this program to take a break every six weeks to maintain your weight loss which is very important to me. I have learned more in this program than I have ever learned on any other diet. I am eating healthy foods from the grocery store, cooking them correctly and losing weight. The added benefit is I also get to help you! I am still on my weight loss journey and I get to help you! I know how hard it is to lose weight and I know the frustrations. We have great a one-on-one weekly and daily support system. We have had great results already in our office here in the Chippewa Valley. Let us help you achieve your goal. No judgements ever!


Testimony from Matt W. - Eau Claire, WI

I have been following the plan since November 1, 2014. I recently went to my MD for my physical. I had been overweight, pre-diabetic,and on high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart burn medications for well over 15 years.  I have lost over 70 pounds since my weight loss began.  Many people tell me I look like a different person.  My fasting tests were fantastic. My blood pressure was fantastic. My cholesterol was  great but the big concern was the triglycerides. My triglycerides use to be in the high 200's now it is 79!! I now have no medications! What a great feeling! I could not be more thankful of this program and for Kelly and Dr. Appel for bringing ChiroThin to the Chippewa Valley.  It has changed my life around in just months. I am now in maintenance and keeping it off. Kelly has taken the time to show me what foods to stay away from, how to maintain and what exercises and supplements will benefit me.  I feel like I am 15 years younger!


Testimony from Vickie L.  R.N. - Menomonie, WI

My goal in using the ChiroThin program was to improve my health! The six week program was easy for me to follow weekly meetings with Kelly who encourages your progress. Inches and pounds were shedding off, but more importantly I could maintain the weight goal I set.  After six months I choose to do another half round and was successful again! In total my weight loss was 38 pounds. I feel great! My meal plans are easily adapted to the guidelines of the program. Try it! You can be a winner to improved health!

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